Changing Mindsets & Practice

Full Service Anti-Racism Education and Development for Individuals and Organizations

IE Cycle


Download the FREE PDF Explainer and Editable Worksheets Below

Download the detailed IE Cycle Explainer with editable worksheets to get you started on your liberatory action planning!

Are We the Right Fit?

Inclusivity is defined as “the practice or policy of including people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized.”

We frame this definition within a U.S. racialized experience.

Our commitment to increasing Inclusivity is not simly a path towards Equity, but Liberation.

Equity reforms existing power structures;
Liberation builds new structures.

Inclusivity Education centers Liberatory thinking and anti-racist practice.

We are educator-founded and intentional in scaffolding all learning. Our methods emphasize the importance of—and need for—practice and partnership in developing and sustaining personal and systemic change.

What People are Saying

“I want to thank you for the work you do.”

“I’ve uncovered things about myself I want to remain aware of and change...purposely. I’m excited to see how I face the challenges of navigating white-controlled spaces (and everywhere else) with the knowledge and understanding I’m gaining from the work of InclusivityEd! I’m recommending your company for DEI training. And to friends at other organizations.

As uncomfortable as it’s been...I’m so very grateful and relieved. You’re doing God’s work!!”

Affinity Series Participant

Where People are Saying it

 Some of our current and previous clients.

“It always seems impossible until it's done.”

— Nelson Mandela